
7 Invisalign Mistakes to Avoid for New Users

Invisalign is an awesome type of aligner that offers flexibility and discretion to patients of all ages. Whether you are a teenager in need of orthodontic correction or you are an adult who needs braces, you probably are looking for a way to fix your teeth without having to deal with a bunch of metal in your mouth. The good news is that you are just like most of our patients who visit their Hollywood dentist looking for the best way to straighten their natural teeth.

7 Invisalign Mistakes to Avoid for New Users

Invisalign is the answer to many patients’ concerns. These clear, almost-invisible aligners can be worn throughout the day to give real adjustments to the teeth. Additionally, they can be removed a couple of times during the day to be cleaned, and so your normal teeth can be brushed. But having Invisalign is easier said than done. Below, we will list 7 Invisalign mistakes to avoid for new users.

Cleaning Invisalign with Toothpaste

Your clear aligners aren’t meant to be cleaned with anything other than the solution provided to you by your dentist. If you try to clean out the aligner trays with toothpaste or mouthwash, you could risk damaging them altogether. You could also taint their color through toothpaste dye, making them no longer transparent.

Eating Hard Foods

There are a few food substances that you are just going to have to stay away from while you are wearing Invisalign.Unfortunately, you might need to avoid hard foods such as candy, crunchy bread, or cookies while wearing your aligners. The great thing about Invisalign, though, is that you can remove them temporarily to snack on your favorite treats.

Drinking Sugary Beverages

Similarly to the above information, you don’t want to be adding tons of sugars on top of your aligners; worse, you don’t want sugar and bacteria to build up on your natural teeth, as that can lead to damage and decay that is very difficult to treat. Sodas, alcoholic beverages, and power drinks should be limited on a daily basis.

Forgetting Your Cleaning Routine

It’s really important for you to learn exactly how to clean your invisible aligners. Your dentist will equip you with a number of useful cleaning products that can be used to safely and effectively sanitize your Invisalign trays every day. Forgetting to clean your aligners could result in a number of problems from improperly-fitting trays to discoloration that taints the entire process from start to finish.


Under no circumstances should you smoke while wearing Invisalign aligners. Not only can the smoke severely discolor your invisible trays, but it can also cause irreparable damage to your health. The chemicals found in tobacco inhibit the body’s ability to quickly and easily recover from infections. This makes it more possible for infection to spread through the body and less likely that you will be able to heal from it quickly.

Leaving Aligners Out

Your aligners will dry up fast and risk getting deformed if they are left sitting out. Instead of leaving them in the air to dry, you should always place them in the trays that your dentist has given you. You can remove the Invisalign for up to two hours a day. Still, you shouldn’t leave them lying around just anywhere while you’re taking a break.

Going with the Wrong Specialist

The biggest mistake people can make when going through the Invisalign process is choosing the wrong specialist. No two dentists are the same. So it remains important that you search for the one who can get the job done right. With properly-fitting Invisalign trays, you should be able to see stellar results in under a year. With GLO Modern Dental, it is easier than ever to invest in clear braces in Hollywood. Contact us today and we will show you how!