
What Causes Dentures Pain and What to Do About It

If you have recently been fitted for a brand-new set of dentures, or even if you have been wearing the same set of dentures for a while, you might be starting to experience pain whenever you use them. Symptoms like gum pain, soreness, irritation, or inflammation can crop up as you notice issues with how comfortable you feel when wearing dentures.

What Causes Dentures Pain and What to Do About It

Instead of waiting for things to get worse, your top Hollywood dentist will help you figure out what causes denture pain and what to do about it so that your problems don’t progress into long-term oral health issues. Keep reading so you know how to spot potential problems with dentures and what treatments are available to you ASAP.

Why Your Dentures Might Hurt

When you visit your dentist due to denture pain, the first thing you should do is run down the list of common causes of denture pain to rule out anything uncommon. First, your dentist will ask if you have been through any of the following experiences:

  • A recent dental injury that has physically impacted your teeth, jaw, gums, or skull, as this can cause your teeth to shift out of alignment and, therefore, your denture will no longer fit properly.
  • Sleeping with your dentures in which greatly increases your chances of developing an infection overnight.

Your dentist will advise against wearing your dentures overnight. They are meant to be placed in a cleaning solution so they can be disinfected while you sleep. If you forsake this important step in the daily oral hygiene process, you can leave yourself prone to infections. The first question your dentist will ask is likely going to be, “Do you sleep with your dentures in?”

Treating Broken Dentures

If you do sleep with your dentures in at night, you are risking more than just a mouth or gum infection. While that proves already bad enough, you will also face the risk of increased bone loss. Sleeping with dentures in can cause your jawbone to degenerate, making it more difficult for you to use your natural teeth without pain or injury. It remains very important you visit your dentist immediately for a proper treatment solution. One that can help you maintain great oral health and avoid broken dentures.

If the dentist notices that you are struggling due to poorly fitting dentures or an oral health concern that makes it hard to keep your dentures in, he will recommend a viable treatment option right away. Most dentures prove built to last up to a decade before you need to replace or reconstruct them. Still, you may have more urgent concerns if your dentures are causing you pain or irritation on a regular basis.

Taking Care of Your Dentures

There are a few daily hygiene techniques that can help you prevent broken or ill-fitting dentures in the future. Not only should you be brushing and flossing your real teeth at least twice a day, but you should also clean your dentures at night when you are asleep. They need to soak in the cleaning solution so that they do not carry any dirt or bacteria to your gums when you put them on.

Small and nonproblematic breaks in your dense may prove fixed with a special denture glue. However, maybe if you feel pain and suspect you need a total readjustment. Then the best course: visit your local dental team right away.

Fix Your Dentures the Right Way with GLO Modern Dental

Dealing with tooth and bone loss is not fun, nor does it feel good to have to rely on dental devices to get you through your day. That is why we design our top-notch dentures in Hollywood to look and feel just like your real teeth. A good pair of dentures should fit like a glove, but if you notice that you are feeling sore or irritated after a while, you may need to get an adjustment. Contact our office right away to schedule your next appointment with us!