
Porcelain Veneers Versus Dental Bonding: Which is for Me?

Anyone who has ever looked at themselves in the mirror knows that the smile is one of the most important features of the face. If you don’t feel good about your smile, then you might not want to smile in front of others. Whether you are embarrassed about your teeth, or you are struggling with poor dental health, your confidence might be taking a hit. It’s a good idea to consult with your top Hollywood dentist about the best cosmetic treatments to remedy your situation.

Porcelain Veneers Versus Dental Bonding: Which is for Me?

In this blog, we will be taking a deeper look at porcelain veneers and dental bonding. Both of these pain-free, non-surgical options can help to improve your smile, cover up blemishes, and better protect your teeth. Let’s answer the question about porcelain veneers versus dental bonding: which is right for me?

What Are Veneers? How Do They Work?

Dental veneers can make it look like you have a brand-new row of teeth, without the hefty cost. If you have ever seen someone with a totally new, pearly-white smile, what you noticed was their veneers. Veneers are a very thin layer of porcelain that is cut and molded to the exact shape of your tooth. Then, this thin layer is applied to the front surface of your tooth using dental adhesive. It is like giving your tooth a mask that can cover up some of the most visible issues.

Veneers are best for covering up chips, cracks, and forms of discoloration that cannot be treated with a whitening process. They also boost the strength of your teeth by adding a protective shield. The application process is simple and painless, so you do not need to prepare for an intensive procedure. As long as you can maintain good dental hygiene habits, you can enjoy the effects of your veneers permanently.

What Is Dental Bonding and How Does It Work?

Dental bonding is another great cosmetic option for anyone in need of a quick fix. Dental bonding is a resin material that is made of composite and other friendly ingredients. It is used like glue to cover up cracks, fill in chips, and straighten the surfaces of teeth. Dental bonding is applied and dried at the dentist’s office using a UV light, which is completely free of pain or discomfort.

Unlike veneers, dental bonding is not permanent. It can last for many months and sometimes even years, though it can be reapplied at any time. One thing that people prefer about dental bonding is the flexibility of the treatment, as it can also be reversed. If you do not need dental bonding in that area anymore, or your dentist needs to reverse a treatment, the resin can be removed without issue.

Which Treatment Is Right for You?

You can determine what kind of treatment is best for you by scheduling a consultation with our dental specialists. You can speak to us about the specific problems you are having in order to help us connect you with the best treatment. Anyone with significant chips, cracks, or misalignments might want a solution that can provide permanent relief. In that case, veneers might be the best as they can create a new facade while giving you a second chance to practice good oral health.

However, if you are in more dire need of a fix-up, or you are also receiving additional dental treatments, bonding might be better. Dental bonding is applicable in almost any kind of cosmetic situation, as it is great for covering up holes or filling up gaps. It can also be removed when future dental work is being done.

To decide whether veneers or dental bonding offer better results for you, get in touch with us today to schedule your first consultation!